Senior Estates and Country Club, a private, non-profit, HOA 501(c)(7) corporation Social and Recreation Club. Nine elected Board of Directors govern WEG, each serving three-year terms with three directors elected each year.
Directors also chair SEGCC committees including House, Activities, Budget, Rules, Membership, Golf, Publications & Communications, Architectural & Safety, and RV Storage.
Senior Estates Golf & Country Club fiscal management and reporting are divided between our reserve fund and our operating fund.
The reserve fund gains revenue when a SEGCC house is purchased via the one-time fee collected at closing. This fund can only be spent on asset replacement, repair, and other future capital improvement projects. The fund is not allowed to be spent on operating expenses and is kept above the minimum acceptable level defined by our governing documents.
The operating fund gains revenue through yearly member dues. This money is used to pay for the day-to-day functions of the HOA such as insurance premiums, landscaping, salaries & wages, accounting, and legal fees, etc.