Motion #A
Treasurer Allan Lindberg – I move to approve the transfer from the Reserve Account to the Operating Account for the following items:
Motion #1
Marketing PC Director Kim Farquharson – I move to approve ‘’ as the domain name of Senior Estates Golf and Country Club.
Discussion: There has been a lot of negative input regarding the use of the acronyms of ‘’SEGCC” as a domain name. There were varying reasons for the negativity and concern. After discussion with the Management Team, the Marketing PC committee would like to recommend this as a viable solution.
Motion #2
Marketing PC Director Kim Farquharson – I move to approve a deadline of December 1, 2024, to complete the name transition to ‘Senior Estates Golf and Country Club’.
Discussion: A name change requires a lot of decisions to be made regarding basic graphic art design. There has to be a new logo created, signage, letterhead, business cards, etc. There is a lot of work to be done to get these things created and agreed upon. The Marketing PC committee would like to give opportunity to the community for input and ideas and then finally, present options to the BOD for final decision and approval. By setting a deadline, we can create a timeline to move through the steps in an orderly fashion so that we get this right. Our expectation is to get it done a lot sooner but by putting that date on it, it can be done methodically and correctly. It also gives us flexibility to use ‘tenative and unapproved’ artwork until that time, giving opportunity to show ideas to the community.
Motion #3
Marketing PC Director Kim Farquharson – I move to approve up to $500 for professional logo and sign design.
Discussion: The Marketing PC committee wants the option to get some professional designs created if necessary. This is a very low ballpark figure, but it would give an opportunity to explore some options.
Motion #4
Rules and Regulations Director Andrew Nordby – I move to approve the addition of the following members to the Rules and Regulations Committee, all are members in good standing: Diana Lindberg, Carol Bolton, and Claudia Wicks.
Motion #5
Rules and Regulations Director Andrew Nordby – I move to approve that the CC&R’s be reviewed/reworked by our attorney.